UMass Boston

Administration & Finance

Finance Advisory Meeting: The F&A meeting brings A&F Finance staff together with Business Managers, Assistant Deans and other departmental staff involved in the financial operations of the university to inform, educate and discuss current issues and events.

Next Meeting:

Tuesday, September 10, 2024@ 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Chancellor's Conference Room & via Zoom

Agenda 2024

January 16, 2024

  1. UPST Update 
  2. FY25 Budget Updates
    • Calendar 
    • BBM parallel year 
    • State budget issues
  3. UMPO Enrollment Analysis
  4. Neche Accreditation
  5. Transportation Updates 
  6. Upcoming Events
    1. BoT April 10th

March 12, 2024

  1. UPST Update: BuyWays & Invoice Approval Workflow Update, Supplier-Two-Factor
  2. FY24 Budget Quarter Two Update 
  3. FY25 Budget/Capital Updates-New State NTT Fund-11001
  4. Endowment Distributions
  5. Other Updates:
    • Summer Registration Deadlines
    • Teller Window Reduced Hours
    • BuyWays down for 3/15, 9am-3/17, 12pm
    • Sodexo Purchase Order's
  6. Personnel
    1. Retirements
    2. New Treasury Director, Kyle Banoey
  7. Upcoming Events
    • Campus Update, March 21st
    • FY25 budget, due March 29th
    • Board of Trustees, April 10th

April 9, 2024

  1. UPST Update
    • Payment Options for Individuals (Domestic & Foreign)
    • Buddy, Your New Virtual Assistant!
    • Fiscal Year End
    • Invoice Approval Workflow Feedback
  2. Summer Programs                                                                  
  3. BoT/Committee meetings update                                        
  4. Beacon Budget Model                                                     
  5. Budget updates                                                                       
    • Operating submission
    • Capital budget
  6. Controller Update
    • Concur go-live April 16th                                          
    • New Controller Employee (4/8 start)                    
  7. Upcoming Events
    1. April 10th – BoT Meeting
    2. April 15th -- Concur go-live & end of Terra Dotta

Agenda 2023

December 12, 2023

  1. New Staff Introduction 
  2. Concur Rollout Training Plan 
  3. Board of Trustees Update 
  4. New Department of Education Regulations
  5. Plan to Pay
  6. UPST FYTD & November Highlights
  7. Signature Authorization 
  8. Delegation of Authority
  9. FY25 Budget Progress
  10. Upcoming: F&A January 16th, 2024

November 14, 2023

  1. Upcoming UPST Update 
    • Executive Recruitment Firm Program
    • Project Met 3.0 (Contract Amendments)
    • Commodity Code Harmonization
  2. Controller's Update 
    • FY24 Fringe Rate
    • Inventory Stats
    • Signature Authorization
  3. Budget Updates 
    • FY24 - Q1 Variance Reports
    • FY25 - 11/17 Budget Due Date, UMPlan Meetings
  4. Printer Updates 
    • Toshiba Contract Changes (upcoming)
    • Package tracking system
  5. Upcoming Events
    • Business Continuity 
    • Board of Trustees @ UMB
      • Audit & A&F Committees 12/11
      • Board of Trustees 12/12
    • Next F&A Meeting, 12/12/23 @ 2:30pm

October 10, 2023

  1. FY24 Budget Update
    • Quarter 1 Close 
    • Quarter 1 Variance/Projection 
  2. FY24-28 Projection
    • 5 – Year Forecast 
  3. FY25 Budget Process 
  4. “All Call” for Capital 
  5. IT Computer Lifecycle Policy & Procedures 
  6. BTE Update
    • 10/16 Communication
    • 10/11 – Campus Update
    • 10/20 – Q1 Adjust Ledger Closes
    • 10/20 – 5-Year Forecast Due
    • 11/14 – Next F&A Meeting
    • 11/17 – VC area UM-Plan Files Due

September 12, 2023

  1. UPST Catalog Enhancements in BuyWays
  2. CBU Overview/Update
  3. FY24 Budget: IT Budget Adjustment
  4. FY25 Budget: Timeline, Parallel BBM Process
  5. Upcoming:
    • UMass Board of Trustees
      • A&F & CASA Committees 9/20
      • Board 9/21
    • Campus Master plan – 9/28
    • Campus Energy and Carbon Master Plan – 10/2
    • Next F&A Meeting 10/10
    • Capital Program Lunch and Learn – 10/19

August 8, 2023

  1. UPST Year-end Metrics
  2. FY24-28 Capital Plan & FY24 Budgets 
  3. FY24 State Budget 
  4. Student Plan to Pay 
  5. eCommerce Prep 
  6. Personnel Updates 
  7. Upcoming:
    • F&A 9/12
    • UMASS Board of Trustees
      • A&F, CASA Committees 9/20
      • Board 9/21

July 11, 2023

  1. FY23 Close/Audit 
  2. FY24 Budget Load 
  3. Non-Travel Business Expense Reimbursement
  4. State Budget – Conference Committee 
  5. Fall Billing Changes – Plan to Pay 
  6. Upcoming:
    • BTE User Acceptance Testing
      • Approver Training, today at 2:00
      • Travel Booking Training, Wednesday, July 12 at 1:00 p.m.
  7. Open Discussion 

June 13, 2023

  1. BTE Fast Lane
  2. UPST Zelle Payment
  3. Information Technology FY24 Computer Acquisition
  4. Controller Updates
  5. Endowment Encumbrance
  6. Audit planning
    • Audit Information Requests
    • Endowment Sweep Process
  7. Inventory Update
    • Stats
    • Change in Account Codes Used for Computer Purchases
  8. Review of Tuition & Fee Structure Changes
  9. Contract Reminders
  10. Delegation of Signature Authority
  11. Revenue Contracts

May 9, 2023

  1. Project Fastlane
  2. UPST Updates
  3. Controller Office Updates 
    • Year-end Memo
    • Inventory
  4. Student Payment Changes and Student Payment Plan Working Group
  5. Budget Updates 
    • FY23 Budget Q3 Projection
    • FY24 Budget 
  6. Upcoming Events 
    • Board of Trustees
      • Audit & Risk Committee Meeting 5/31
      • Administration & Finance Meeting 5/31
      • Board Meeting 6/1
    • F&A Meeting 6/13

April 11, 2023

  1. IT Surplus Computers Drop-off – Spring Cleaning 
  2. Summer Programs 
  3. UPST Updates:
    • Supplier Request Form – Helpful Tips ​
    • Coffee with UPST 
  4. Travel Policy Update 
  5. Budget Update 
    • 4/12: UMass Board of Trustees Meeting
      • FY24 Tuition & Mandatory Fees Vote
      • UMPO Fee Approval
    • State:  MA House Ways & Means Budget Release in April
  6. Upcoming:
    • 4/27 UMB Capital Lunch & Learn (Noon, Alumni Lounge)
    • Next F&A Meeting: May 9th

March 14, 2023

  1. UPST Requested Time
  2. FY24 Budget
    1. GOV Budget/State Budget Overview 
    2. UMB Operating and Capital Budget Update
      1. Calendar/Progress
        1. 3/31: Budget Submission
        2. 4/12: Board of Trustees (Tuition & Fee Vote)
      2. Issues? (A&F or Departments)
  3. BTE Fastlane Project Update 
    1. Design Meeting on Concur – UMB Focus Group
    2. Design Meetings on Travel HX Global
      1. Travel Registry
      2. Pre-Travel Authorization
  4. Important Events
    1. Emergency Management
      1. Friday 3/17 Live Active Threat Drill – Campus Center closed until 1:00pm
      2. Cabinet “tabletop” Exercise, April 10th
    2. Campus Update, March 22nd 
    3. Capital Projects Lunch & Learn, April 27th 

February 14, 2023

  1. UMass President’s Office
    • UPDATE:  Project Fast Lane 
    • UPST
      • New Supplier Onboarding & Self-Service Process
      • Invoice Approval
      • Airgas
  2. Budget – Summit Dashboard Update
  3. Controller – Property & Inventory Control Policy
  4. IT Updates:
    • Commodity Approvers 
  5. Emergency Management Updates:
    • Volunteers for Major Exercise in March
    • Speaker System Install
  6. Important Dates:
    • 2/6: FY23 Q2 Submission
    • 2/9: FY24 T&F Submission
    • Budget Meetings/Hearings
    • 3/31: Budget Submission
    • 4/12: Board of Trustees

Agenda 2022

December 7, 2022

December 7, 2022

Zoom Meeting Recording

  • Travel & Expense Kick-off 
  • Streamline Procurement Contracts Process Phase 2 
  • Active Threat Exercise 
  • Travel Registry Changes
  • CLARIFICATION:  Non-travel Business Expense Reimbursement Exception Process 
  • REMINDER:  Catering Expenses 
  • Q&A:  FY24 Budget Development 
  • Upcoming Events:
    • UMass Board and Committee Meetings
      • A&F Committee 12/14/2022
      • Board 12/15/2022

November 2, 2022

November 2, 2022

  • Budget Updates
    • President’s Office Submissions
    • FY23 Capital Budget – Changes in Plan for Existing Projects
    • FY23 Q1 Variance Reports
    • FY24 Budget Development
    • Incremental/Activities-based Models
  • Controller Updates:
    • Signature Authorization Process 
    • Inventory – “Unaccounted for Items” Form 
    • End of “out-of-pocket” Expense Reimbursement by 1/31/23 (90 days) 
    • Business & Travel Expense system RFP/Selection 
  • UPST:
    • Listening session - thanks and feedback
    • Adopt Invoice Payment Workflow 
  • Upcoming:
    • Campus Information Session – 11/15/2022
    • UMass Board and Committees
      • A&F Committee 12/14/2022
      • Board 12/15/2022


August 10, 2022

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

  1. FY23 State Budget finalized
    1. Additional funds for UMASS
  2. UPST FY22 Stats 
  3. Appropriation Budget Model 
  4. Upcoming Events:
    1. Next F&A Meeting, 9/8/22
    2. UPST Town Hall (zoom), 9/13/22
    3. Board of Trustees Meeting, 9/21/22
  5. Open Discussion

July 14, 2022

Thursday, July 14, 2022

  1. Intros:
    1. Grace Hotopp, Campus Master Plan
    2. Teresa Chiba, OBFP 
  2. Updates:
    1. Tuition & Fee Changes 
    2. RES Funds 
    3. Inventory Project
    4. Business Travel Expense Pre-Approval
    5. NACUBO – or 202.861.2560

June 8, 2022

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

  1. Board of Trustees/Audit/A&F committees                                            
  2. FY23 Budget loads                                                                                           
    1. Inflation & FY23 Budget                                                                 
  3. Overview: Business & Travel Expense                                                      
    1. BoT Policy & Administrative Standards
    2. Q&A session to come
  4. Student Financial Responsibility Agreement: Soft launch                
  5. UMASS Enterprise Risk Management update                                       
    1. Annual report
      1. Risk Mitigation Assessment Tool
    2. Campus & UMPO Committee Staffing

Open Discussion                                                                                                              


May 12, 2022

Thursday, May 12, 2022

  1. Business and Travel Expense Standards 
  2. Controller Updates:
    1. FY22 Close Memo Draft
    2. UPST Processing and Controller Accruals
  3. OBFP Updates:
    1. COVID Expenses
    2. Quarterly Variance
  4. Upcoming Events:
    1. Campus Forum today @3pm
    2. Board of Trustees:
      1. CASA Committee, May 25th
      2. Audit & Risk June 1
      3. A&F Committee June 1
      4. Board of Trustees June 2
  5. Open Discussion


April 14, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022

  1. BoT April 13th Meeting Update 
  2. UPST FY22 Year-end Transaction Dates
  3. Receiving Update: Amazon Deliveries 
  4. Controller Updates
    1. ORSP Gift Card Process
    2. Pre-grant Hiring Changes Pilot    
  5. Travel Update: COVID Travel Quarantine Policy
  6. Feedback: New UPST Contract Workflow
  7.  Open Discussion

March 10, 2022

Thursday, March 10, 2022 

  1. New A&F Staff:  Associate Controller, Sharon DeLeskey & Budget & Reporting Analyst, Jeffrey Pen
  2. Collective Bargaining Update
  3. Controller Updates
    1. CON-02 /CON-07
    2. Change in Accounting Standards
  4. Pre-travel Authorization Process
  5. Upcoming Events:
    1. Campus Forum, March 23
    2. A&F Committee, April 6
    3. Board of Trustees Meeting, April 13
  6. Open Discussion

February 10, 2022

Thursday, February 10, 2022

  1. Q2 Forecast Update 
  2. FY23 Budget Updates 
    1. Meetings
      1. Hearings
        1. Operating (non/personnel expense, revenue)
        2. Capital (GOF & Restricted projects & equipment, space requests)
      2. Special Subject Meetings (enrollment, financial aid, energy)
    2. Schedule/changes
    3. Cost Savings Effort:  Printers/Copiers/Reduced Use 
  3. Ship to Home process – Department/Commodity Approver Responsibilities
  4. UPST – Dashboard, Stakeholder Group, Contract Process 
  5. Open Discussion

January 13, 2022

Thursday, January 13, 2022

  1. Marketing Update 
  2. FY23 Budget Updates 
    1. UMB Due Date: 1/28/2022
      1. Operating Budget Expenses
      2. Operating Budget Revenue - Fee Requests/Changes
      3. Capital Budget – Funding Requests and Other Planning Information
        1. Include Space Requests
        2. Include Planned Restricted/Start-up Funded Equipment and Space
    2. System Office Budget Due Dates (PPT)
  3. Controller Updates
    1. Signature Authorization Updates
    2. Finance System Security Requests
    3. Ship to Home
  4. Open Discussion