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SSL Visiting Scholars
Focus: risk prevention and crisis management, coastal urban territories
Bio: I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE) at Sciences Po Paris, funded by the Bruno Latour Fund. I hold a PhD in geography, specializing in risk prevention and crisis management policies in French urban areas. My research compares risk governance in coastal urban territories in the context of climate change, examining the evolution and limitations of traditional risk management paradigms. In coastal urban areas such as Boston, knowledge production and risk management practices must evolve to address their interactions and combinations. At SSL, I conducted research interviews and studied the evolution of risk governance in the metropolitan area and assisted the SSL team in fostering collaborative research on climate social resilience in Boston.
Focus: coastal governance, integrated coastal zone management, science-policy
Bio: My fundamental research interest is coastal governance in light of the accelerated global climate change. After my MSc studies in geophysics and oceanography-marine environment, I continued my research in risk management, and I hold a PhD from Aix-Marseille University (H2020 fellow). I contribute to improving the Mediterranean public policy related to coastal risk management, climate change adaptation, and disaster risk reduction.