The Chemistry Department maintains a wide range of significant equipment assets, which are used primarily for research, but also for teaching purposes, particularly at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. Most of these are housed in the Integrated Sciences Complex but some are housed in University Hall teaching laboratories. Significant research-related equipment resources include the following items:
- Agilent 1100 LC
- Agilent 1200LC with 6130 Quadrupole MS
- Agilent 6850 GC
- Agilent 6850/5973 GC-MS
- Agela Flash Chromatography System
- BioRad NGC Chromatography System
- EASY-nLC 1200 System
- UltiMate™ NCP‐3500RS HPLC system
- Shimadzu GC-2014
- Shimadzu LC-20AD
- Fusion Lumos Tribrid Mass Spectrometer
- Yamazen Flash Chromatography System
- Agilent 400 MHz NMR
- Multiple Thermo picoSpin 80 Benchtop NMRs
- Agilent Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR
- Thermo Spectronic 20D+ UV-Vis
- Bruker Senterra RAMAN Spectrometer
- Resonance EPR Spectrometer
- Multiple Nicolet FT-IR Spectrometers (models 380, 670, 4700, i550, iS10) ATR attachments
- Hitachi F-2500 Fluorescence Spectrometer
- PTI Fluorimeter
- Thermo Electron LCQ Mass Spectrometer
- Jasco Spectropolarimeter
- Custom-built time-of-flight mass spectrometer for resonant multi-photon ionization spectroscopy
- Custom-built laser-induced fluorescence vacuum chamber
- 1.0 meter focal length high-resolution monochromator (Horiba Scientific 1000M Series II) with photomultiplier tube (Electron Tubes, Inc.)
- Two Nd:YAG-pumped nanosecond tunable dye laser systems with frequency doubling (Spectra-Physics, Lambda Physik, Radiant Dyes Laser)
- Lambda Physik Compex 102 excimer laser
- Continuum Minilite Nd:YAG
- Multiple Oriel, Scientech, SPEX, and Acton Instruments monochromators
Surface- & Electro-chemistry
- Bruker Innova AFM
- Biolin Electrochemical Analyzer
- Micromeritics Surface Area Analyzer
- Princeton Multichannel Potentiostat
- Multiple CHI Single/Dual Channel Potentiostats
Biochemical & Synthetic
- CEM Microwave Reactor
- CEM MARS Microwave Reactor
- Eppendorf Centrifuge 5430 & 5417C
- Vacuum Atmospheres Glove Box
- Coy Anaerobic Chamber
- Molecular Devices SpectraMax i3x plate reader
- EchoTherm Chilling Incubator
- Leica Optical Microscope
- Biotage Microwave Reactor
- Genevac miVac Vacuum Centrifuge
- VTI Glove Box
- Molecular Devices VersaMax microplate reader
- Innova 42 Incubator/Shaker
- Eppendorf -80 °C Freezer
- Eppendorf Vacuum Centrifuge
- EchoTherm Chilling Incubator
- 6 Specialized, graphics-processing unit (GPU) workstations for computational chemistry
- 1 Heterogeneous, distributed-memory, high-performance computing cluster with 144 GPUs
- Gaussian ’09 & Spartan ’18 multiuser licenses
- For information on university wide clusters high performance computing please access the following link for High Performance Computing
- Shared resources are also available through the Massachusetts Green High-Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC)
Educational Research
- Tobi X60 eye tracker and analysis package
- 2 Swivl camera systems
- General chemistry teaching lab ceiling video cameras with auto-mixed two-microphone audio capture
- Remark optical mark recognition (OMR) software
- 6 Livescribe recording systems