William Hagar
Area of Expertise
Environmental Monitoring, Plant Biochemistry, Photobiology
PhD, Temple University, 1972
BS, Widener University, 1962
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Hagar, W.G., Xu, Q. and Ebersole, J.P. (2017) Effect of Transient Acid Spikes on Developmental Stages of Lepomis Fishes. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 9, 1391-1402.
- Hagar, William, Hope Punnett, Laura Punnett & Govindjee, (2011), A Tribute to Thomas Roosevelt Punnett, Jr. (1926-2008), Photosynthesis Research (2011) 110:1-7 DOI 10.1007/S11120-011-9695-4
- Hagar, William G. & Fred Saintours, (2008) “Food web Ecology of Insect Larva in a Small Stream as Measured by Stable Isotope Analysis” International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics (IJEES) Fall 2008 Vol. 12, No. Fo8; Int. J. Ecol. Econ. Stat; 58-65 ISSN 0973-1385 (Print) ISSN 0973-7537 (Online)
- Kelly, Maureen H., William G. Hagar, Tim R. Jardine and Richard A. Cunjak (2006). "Nonlethal sampling of sunfish and slimy sculpin for stable isotope analysis: how scale and fin tissue compare with muscle tissue" North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26: 921-925.
- Hagar, William, & Lornie Bullerwell (2003),“Supermarket Proteases” The Science Teacher October 2003 pp26-30.
- Bullerwell, Lornie & William Hagar (2003) “Digesting Complex Carbohydrates: Using Yeast as a Model System for Human Digestion” The Science Teacher 70: 41-43. <li">Hagar, William G., Barbara Crosby, & Bruce Stallsmith (2000) "Comparing and Assessing Acid Rain Sensitive Ponds" J. Hazardous Material 74: 125-131
- Stallsmith, Bruce W., & William G. Hagar (1999) "Growth Patterns in Lepomis Sunfish YOY determined by Otolith Size” American Currents 25, No. 3, pp. 18 21.
- Hagar, William G. & Lornie Bullerwell (1998), “Lactase Staining of Electrophoretic Gels” The Science Teacher 65: 43-45.
- Linardos, A., Truong N., & William Hagar (1996), “Remote Monitoring of Water Systems Using Cellular Transfer of Data and Pictures” Proceedings of ECO-Informa Global Networks for Environmental Information 11: 743-748.
- Stallsmith, B.W., J.P. Ebersole and W.G. Hagar. 1996, "The Effects of Acid Episodes on Lepomis Sunfish Recruitment and Growth in Two Ponds in Massachusetts” Freshwater Biology 36: 731-744.
Additional Information
Teaching Interests
William Hagar is interested in all levels and aspects of science education: At the undergraduate level, he currently teaches a Freshman Seminar course each year, and depending on the academic schedule, teaches Introductory biology, Biochemistry, and Biochemistry laboratory. At the graduate level, he teaches photobiology, current literature topics, and teacher education courses. Included in all of these courses is a healthy input of multimedia assisted presentation programs and computer-assisted interactive tutorials which we have developed. Research and teaching interest overlap with the development of research grade environmental monitors. Director of Premedical Studies and Health- Related Careers Program.
Research Interests
Research is centered on an experimental approach to biochemical reactions and environmental perturbations. The biochemical studies involve the use of instrumentation to analyze plant protein complexes. The environmental monitoring work is centered on measuring anthropogenic inputs on water systems, such as acid precipitation on freshwater ponds and pools in Massachusetts. Environmental monitoring includes development of on-site instrumentation to monitor pH, temperature, and oxygen concentration, and also the collection and analysis of freshwater organisms. We use techniques such as stable isotope composition of organisms to determine structure of food webs and possible effects of anthropogenic inputs. My laboratory group also is developing methods to measure methyl mercury in fish tissue using an enzyme-based analysis.
Recent Grant Support and Awards
- Co-Director, Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Degree Program, Department of Education, 2010-2015 P2171050214.
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant “Acquisition of an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrophotometer”, Award # 0959666, PI’s Hannigan & Christian, $865,729 (12/2009).
- Fulbright Scholarship (2003) for Research and Education, University of New Brunswick.
- Recipient of Chancellor's Distinguish Teaching Award 2000.
Current Graduate Students
- Barbara Crosby, PhD Candidate
- Chris Levy, Master's Student