UMass Boston

Areas of Expertise

Evolution and human behavior, developmental psychology, social neuroscience 


PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara

Professional Publications & Contributions

Additional Information

We all seek out information that helps us predict components of our future. A common example is the weather: Will it rain tomorrow?  How hot will it be midday? 

Forecasts provide us with an opportunity to strategically prepare for any anticipated challenges in the world. They serve as signposts—informative "cues" that direct you toward one coordinated set of strategies over an alternate set of strategies. Across species, development across the lifespan unfolds based largely on forecasts gleaned from environmental cues provided very early in life.  

Randy Corpuz’ research investigates what these processes might look like in humans.

His research explores how children, as early as in utero, utilize both of their parents as signposts. What do cues like paternal depression, harsh parenting, and father absence indicate to a child about the level of threat in the immediate environment? How do children use these cues to calibrate and refine the developmental trajectory of specific biological systems in a manner that enhances their ability to meet the anticipated demands of their environment? 

Corpuz’ current work is specific to fathers. His research program is grounded in evolutionary biology and he employs methods from developmental psychology, endocrinology, and social neuroscience. His ongoing projects involve first-time families recruited as participants from the community. Working in the Corpuz Lab will involve interacting with mothers, fathers, and young children (ages 0-3) in the community and in controlled lab environments. All family members are asked to provide saliva that can then be assayed for a range of hormones (e.g., testosterone and cortisol) known to influence psychological and physiological functioning across the lifespan.

Students interested in applying for a lab position as a research assistant, click here:

Currently accepting graduate students for Fall 2021, get more information here: Developmental and Brain Sciences (DBS), PhD


The Biology and Psychology of Being Dad (HON 293)
Mating Psychology: The nature and nurture of romantic relationships (HON 210)
Social Psychology (PSY 230)
Statistics (PSY 370)