Pratima Prasad
Pratima Prasad is Professor of French and Interim Dean of the College of Liberal Arts (CLA). In Colonialism, Race, and the French Romantic Imagination (2009), she investigates how French Romanticism was shaped by, and contributed to, colonial discourses of race.
Area of Expertise
Colonialism, Romanticism, and nineteenth-century French and Francophone culture
PhD University of Pennsylvania
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Forthcoming. Disruptive Narratives: Slavery and Fiction in the French Indian Ocean (1831-1848). Liverpool University Press. Sole-authored monograph.
- Forthcoming. Ourika, Édouard, and Olivier by Claire de Duras. Oxford University Press, World’s Classics Series. Translation and critical edition with Chris Miller.
- Pratima Prasad Chancellor's Award for Distinguished Service "To serve, or not to serve" 2022
- 2020. “Inclusion and Equity in the University: Reflections of a Teacher-Scholar-Administrator.” H-France Salon 12.1. Invited essay.
- 2020. Esclaves marrons à Bourbon: Une anthologie littéraire (Paris: L’Harmattan, Autrement Mêmes collection). Edited anthology with the collaboration of Roger Little.
- 2020. “Color and Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Île Bourbon: the Case of the Affaire Houat.” Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes (24.1: 1-16). Sole-authored refereed journal article.
- 2019. “Human Rights and Human Wrongs: Slavery and Colonialism in a Time of Revolution.” In Douthwaite, Julia, Antoinette Sol, and Catriona Seth, eds. Teaching Representations of the French Revolution (NY: PMLA, 2019, 78-86). Sole-authored essay in refereed edited volume.
- 2016. Approaches to Teaching George Sand’s Indiana (NY: PMLA). Co-edited volume with David Powell.
- 2015. “Androgyne.” In Bernard-Griffiths, Simone, and Pascale Auraix-Jonchière, eds., Dictionnaire George Sand (Paris: Honoré Champion). Sole-authored dictionary entry.
- 2013. “The Black Aristocrat in Ourika: Outliving an Idea.” Lingua Romana (11.1: 9-24). Sole-authored invited journal article.
- 2009. Colonialism, Race, and the French Romantic Imagination (NY: Routledge). Sole-authored monograph.
- 2007. Novel Stages: Drama and the Novel in Nineteenth-Century France (Newark: University of Delaware Press). Co-edited volume with Susan McCready.
- 2007. “Intimate Strangers: Interracial Encounters in Romantic Narratives of Slavery.” L’Esprit Créateur (47.4: 1-15). Sole-authored refereed journal article.
- 2006. “L’Insularité, ‘l’indigénisme’ et l’inceste dans Paul et Virginie.” In Laporte, Dominique, ed. L’Autre en mémoire (Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 147-165). Sole-authored essay in refereed edited volume.
- 2004. “Contesting Realism: Mimesis and Performance in George Sand’s Novels.” Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes (3: 34-54). Sole-authored refereed journal article.
- 2004. “Historicizing French Romanticism.” Blackwell Publishing’s Literature Compass (1: 1-4). Sole-authored invited journal article.
- 2003. “Espace colonial et vérité historique dans Indiana.” Etudes littéraires (35.2&3: 71-85). Sole-authored refereed journal article.
- 2001. “Uncovering Narrative Convention in Sand’s Lélia.” (George Sand Studies 20.1&2: 7-20). Sole-authored refereed journal article.
- 2000. “Displaced Performances: The Erotics of George Sand’s Theatrical Space.” Romance Notes (40.2: 223-33). Sole-authored refereed journal article.
- 1999. “Deceiving Disclosures: Androgyny and George Sand’s Gabriel.” French Forum (24.3: 331-51). Sole-authored refereed journal article.
- 1997. “(De)masking the Other Woman in George Sand’s Indiana.” Romance Languages Annual (8: 104-09). Sole-authored article in conference proceedings.
Additional Information
In her current research, she studies the Indian Ocean as it has been imagined, mythologized, observed, and examined by French and francophone writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She has published a scholarly anthology of nineteenth-century novels and short stories about marronnage in the Reunion Island of the Indian Ocean. Her ongoing book project (forthcoming with The Liverpool University Press) uncovers the literary history of the French Indian Ocean during the July Monarchy (1830-1848). In addition to several article-length writings, she has published two co-edited books: first explores the links between the novel and drama in nineteenth-century France; the second is a collection of essays on approaches to teaching George Sand’s Indiana. Notable professional service roles include Book Review Editor for Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Board Member of the Eastern Massachusetts Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French, and Vice-President of the George Sand Studies Association.
Professor Prasad has been teaching at the University of Massachusetts Boston since 2002. She has taught classes at all levels of the French program, including introductory and intermediate language courses, literary surveys, and seminars on nineteenth-century culture and French and francophone cinema. She has occupied several leadership roles at UMass Boston, including Chair of the MLLC Department, Associate Dean of CLA, and currently, Interim Dean of CLA.