Kiersten Kerby-Patel
Area of Expertise
Applied electromagnetics, Antennas
BS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
MS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Professional Publications & Contributions
- J. Dusenbury and K.C. Kerby-Patel, “A 3D-Printed Risley Prism with Integrated MatchingLayer”
- S. Soltani, J. Dusenbury and K.C. Kerby-Patel*, “A Multiconductor Transmission Line Modelfor a Microstrip Antenna on a High Impedance Surface Ground Plane”IEEE Transactions onAntennas and Propagation
- S. Soltani, J. Dusenbury and K.C. Kerby-Patel*, “An Approximate Multiconductor Transmis-sion Line Model for an Antenna Loaded by High Impedance Unit Cells,”IEEE Transactionson Antennas and Propagation
- K. C. Kerby and J. T. Bernhard*, “Sidelobe level and wideband behavior of arrays of randomsubarrays,”IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.54, no.8, pp.2253-2262, Aug.2006
- P. G. Elliot, K. C. Kerby-Patel, “Low-Profile Multiple-Beam Lens Antenna,” US 20120139804A1, Jun 7, 2012.
- N. A. Stutzke, M. C. Leifer, B. J. Tame, D. A. Paschen, and K. C. Kerby, “Low-profile lensmethod and apparatus for mechanical steering of aperture antennas,” US Patent 8 068 053 B1,29 Nov 2011.
- K. R. Schab†*, K. C. Kerby-Patel, N. L. Bohannon, and J. E. Ruyle, “Describing the Perfor-mance of Nonlinear and Time-Varying Antennas,”URSI EM Theory Symposium, EMTS 2019,San Diego, CA, 27-31 May 2019 (submitted)
- J. Dusenbury†E. Brown, and K. C. Kerby-Patel, “3D Printed, Variable Density Risley Prismfor Beam Steering,”Proc. Antenna Applications Symposium, Monticello, IL, Sept. 2018.
- W. Liles†*, C. Mitchell, M. Cohen, G. Earle, N. Frissell, K. Kerby-Patel, L. Lukes, E. Miller,M. Moses, J. Nelson, and J. Rockway, “On the use of solar eclipses to study the ionosphere,”Proc. Ionospheric Effects Symposium, Alexandria, VA, May 2017.
- K. Keegan†, K. C. Kerby-Patel*, W. Liles, J. Nelson, and L. Lukes, “Receiver and Antenna Kitfor EclipseMob Participants,”Proc. Antenna Applications Symp., Monticello, IL, Sept. 2017
- J. Fallacara, D. Lopez, J. Pappas, E. Tavares, B. Wong, and K. C. Kerby-Patel*, “Receiversystem design for crowdsourced experiments on the effects of a solar eclipse on low-frequencyradio wave propagation,” 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation(APSURSI), Fajardo, Puerto Rico, 2016, pp. 1261-1262
- K. C. Kerby-Patel†*, “Short Paper: Effect of Non-Ergodic Channels on Wireless Fading-BasedKey Generation,”2015 IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2015-Fall), Boston,MA, Sept. 2015, pp. 1-2.
- E. Brown†, C. Gamboa, and K. C. Kerby-Patel*, “Spatial Channel Prediction for Eavesdrop-ping on Wireless Fading Based Key Generation,”Proc. Antenna Applications Symp., Monti-cello, IL, Sept. 2015
- P. G. Elliot, D. L. Hanna, and K. C. Kerby-Patel†*, “Multiple-Beam Low-Profile Low-CostAntenna,”2013 IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology,Waltham, MA, 2013, pp. 285-292.
- K. C. Kerby-Patel†*, “Transmission Line Model For Microstrip Line Above a Periodic High-Impedance Surface Ground Plane,”Proc. Antenna Applications Symp., Monticello, IL, Sept. 2013.
- P. G. Elliot†and K. C. Kerby*, “Multiple-Beam Planar Lens Antenna Prototype,”Proc. 7thIASTED Int. Conference on Antennas, Radar, and Wave Propagation ARP 2010, Cambridge,MA, Nov. 2010.
- K. C. Kerby†and J. T. Bernhard*, “Comparison and Analysis of Ground Plane Slot Structuresfor Cosited Antennas,”Proc. URSI 2009 National Radio Science Meeting, January 2009.
- K. C. Kerby†and J. T. Bernhard*, “Investigation of Ground Plane Slot Designs for Isolationof Cosited Microstrip Antennas,” inProc. 2008 Antenna Applications Symp., Monticello, IL,Sept. 2008.
- K. C. Kerby†and J. T. Bernhard*, “Isolation of surface wave behavior in antenna substratesusing the Thru-Reflect-Line calibration method,”Proc. 29th URSI General Assembly, Chicago,IL, Aug. 2008.
- K. H. Coles†, K. C. Kerby, and J. T. Bernhard*, “Comparisons of ground plane techniquesfor the isolation of cosited microstrip antennas,”Proc. 29th URSI General Assembly, BP1.10,Aug. 2008.
- K. H. Coles†, K. C. Kerby, and J. T. Bernhard*, “Comparisons of Ground Plane Techniques forthe Isolation of Cosited Microstrip Antennas,”Proc. 2008 IEEE/URSI Int. Symp. Antennasand Propagation, San Diego, CA, July 2008.
- K. C. Kerby†and J. T. Bernhard*, “Comparison of bend loss in terahertz waveguide and opticalfiber,”2007 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, Honolulu, HI,2007, pp. 4661-4664.
- K. C. Kerby†and J. T. Bernhard*, “Arrays of random subarrays for wideband applications,”Proc. GOMACTech-2006, San Diego, CA, March 2006.
- K. C. Kerby†and J. T. Bernhard*, “Array of rotated random subarrays,”Proc. 2004 AntennaApplications Symp., Sept. 2004, pp. 293-307.
- K. C. Kerby†and J. T. Bernhard*, “Wideband periodic array of random subarrays,”Proc.2004 IEEE/URSI Int. Symp. Antennas and Propagation, Monterey, CA, v. 1, June 2004, pp.555-558.