Jin Ho Park
Area of Expertise
Behavioral neuroendocrinology, reproductive behavior and physiology, behavioral genetics, behavioral neuroscience
BA in Psycho-biology, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore,
PA 1995 MS in Experimental Psychology, Villanova University, Villanova,
PA 2002 PhD in Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 2005
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of BMG, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 2005-2009
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Templin JS, Wyrosdic J, and Park JH (forthcoming) Gonadal steroids during puberty are necessary for steroid-independent male sexual behavior in castrated B6D2F1 hybrid male mice.
- Venu S, Bharadwaj P, Dierdre Muys, Clarissa Sandoval, and Park JH (forthcoming) Effects of prenatal testosterone on steroid-independent reproductive behavior of hybrid B6D2F1 mice.
- McInnis CM, Venu S, Park JH (2016) Steroid-independent male sexual behavior in B6D2F2 male mice. Horm Behav. 2016 Sep;85:26-9. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2016.07.006. Epub 2016 Jul 29.
- McInnis CM, Bonthuis PJ, Rissman EF, Park JH. (2016) Inheritance of steroid-independent male sexual behavior in male offspring of B6D2F1 mice. Hormones and Behavior. Epub 2016 Mar 2.
- Bharadwaj P, McInnis C, Madden A, Zup S, Bonthuis PJ, Rissman EF, Park JH (2013) Increased dendritic spine density and tau expression are associated with individual differences in steroidal regulation of male sexual behavior. PLOS ONE 8(7):e69672.
- Ravenelle B, Byrnes EM, Byrnes JJ, McInnis C, Park JH, Donaldson ST (2013) Environmental enrichment effects on the neurobehavioral profile of selective outbred trait anxiety rats. Behavioral Brain Research. PubMed PMID: 23727174.
- Park JH (2011) “Assessment of Male Sexual Behavior in Mice.” Chapter in Mood and Anxiety Related Phenotypes in Mice: Characterization Using Behavioral Tests, Volume II. Edited by Todd D. Gould. Humana Press, NY, NY. 357-373.
- Park JH, Bonthius P, Tsai HW, Bekiranov S, Rissman EF (2010) Amyloid beta precursor protein regulates male sexual behavior. J Neurosci. 30(30):9967-72.
- Park JH, Bonthuis P, Ding A, Rais S, Rissman EF. (2009) Androgen- and estrogen-independent regulation of copulatory behavior following castration in male B6D2F1 mice. Hormones and Behavior. 56:254-263.
- Park JH, Burns-Cusato M, Dominguez-Salazar E, Riggan A, Shetty S, Burgoyne PS, Arnold AP, and Rissman EF (2008) Effects of sex chromosome aneuploidy on male sexual behavior. Genes, Brain, & Behavior 7:609-617.
- Park JH and Rissman ER (2007) The Male Sexual Revolution: Independence from Testosterone. Annual Review of Sex Research 18:23-59.
- Kauffman AS, Park JH, McPhie-Lalmansingh AA, Gottsch ML, Bodo C, Hohmann JG, Pavlova M, Rohde AD, Clifton DK, Steiner RA, and Rissman EF (2007) The kisspeptin receptor GPR54 is required for sexual differentiation of the brain and behavior. Journal of Neuroscience. 27(33):8826-35.
- Park JH, Paul MJ, Butler MP, Villa P, Burke M, Kim DP, Routman DM, Schoomer EE, Zucker I. (2007) Short duration testosterone infusions maintain male sex behavior in Syrian hamsters. Horm Behav. 52(2):169-76. Epub 2007 Mar 27.
- Costantini RM, Park JH, Beery AK, Paul MJ, Ko JJ, and Zucker I. (2006) Post-castration retention of reproductive behavior and olfactory preferences in male Siberian hamsters: role of prior experience. Horm Behav. 51:149-155. Epub 2006 Oct 31.
- Park JH, Kauffman AS, Paul MJ, Butler MP, Beery AK, Costantini RM, and Zucker I. (2006) Interval timer control of puberty in photoinhibited Siberian hamsters. J Biol Rhythms. 21:373-384.
- Park JH, Takasu N, Alvarez MI, Clark K, Aimaq R, Zucker I (2004) Long-term persistence of male copulatory behavior in castrated and photo-inhibited Siberian hamsters. Horm Behav. 45:214-221.
Additional Information
- PSYCH 360: Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYCH 464: Biological Rhythms in Brain and Behavior
- PSYCH 466: Hormones and Behavior