Jesse Farmer
Area of Expertise
Paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, ocean biogeochemistry, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, marine sedimentology, Arctic Ocean
PhD, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
ScB, Geological Sciences, Brown University
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Farmer, J.R., Keller, K.J., Poirier, R.K., Dwyer, G.S., Schaller, M.F., et al., 2023. A 600-kyr reconstruction of deep Arctic seawater δ18O from benthic foraminiferal δ18O and ostracode Mg/Ca paleothermometry. EGUsphere (accepted at Climate of the Past), 1-32.
- Farmer, J.R., Pico, T., Underwood, O.M., Cleveland-Stout, R., Granger, J., et al., 2023. The Bering Strait was flooded 10,000 years before the Last Glacial Maximum, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120.
- Farmer, J.R., 2022. Deepening the Late Quaternary's deep ocean carbon mysteries. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(13).
- Cronin, T.M., Dwyer, G.S., Keller, K.K., Gemery, L. and Farmer, J., 2022. Mg/Ca ratios in ostracode genera Sarsicytheridea and Paracyprideis: A potential paleotemperature proxy for Arctic and subarctic continental shelf and slope waters. Marine Micropaleontology, 174.
- Horner, T.J., Little, S.H., Conway, T.M., Farmer, J.R., Hertzberg, J.E., et al.., 2021. Bioactive trace metals and their isotopes as paleoproductivity proxies: An assessment using GEOTRACES‐era data. Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
- Farmer, J.R., Hertzberg, J.E., Cardinal, D., Fietz, S., Hendry, K., et al., 2021. Assessment of C, N, and Si isotopes as tracers of past ocean nutrient and carbon cycling. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35(7).
- Farmer, J.R., Sigman, D.M., Granger, J., Underwood, O.M., Fripiat, F., Cronin, T.M., Martínez-García, A. and Haug, G.H., 2021. Arctic Ocean stratification set by sea level and freshwater inputs since the last ice age. Nature Geoscience, 14(9), 684-689
- Lamy, F., Winckler, G., Alvarez Zarikian, C.A., and the Expedition 383 Scientists (including J. Farmer), 2021. Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, Volume 383: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).
- Gutjahr, M., Bordier, L., Douville, E., Farmer, J., Foster, G.L., et al., 2021. Sub‐permil interlaboratory consistency for solution‐based boron isotope analyses on marine carbonates. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 45(1), 59-75
- Cronin, T.M., Keller, K.J., Farmer, J.R., Schaller, M.F., O'Regan, M., et al., 2019. Interglacial paleoclimate in the Arctic. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34(12), pp.1959-1979.
- Farmer, J.R., Hönisch, B., Haynes, L.L., Kroon, D., Jung, S., et al., 2019. Deep Atlantic Ocean carbon storage and the rise of 100,000-year glacial cycles. Nature Geoscience, 12(5), 355-360.
- Flöter, S., Fietzke, J., Gutjahr, M., Farmer, J., Hönisch, B., Nehrke, G. and Eisenhauer, A., 2019. The influence of skeletal micro-structures on potential proxy records in a bamboo coral. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 248, 43-60.
- Salacup, J.M., Farmer, J.R., Herbert, T.D. and Prell, W.L., 2019. Alkenone paleothermometry in coastal settings: evaluating the potential for highly resolved time series of sea surface temperature. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34(2), 164-181.
- Farmer, J.R., Branson, O., Uchikawa, J., Penman, D.E., Hönisch, B. and Zeebe, R.E., 2019. Boric acid and borate incorporation in inorganic calcite inferred from B/Ca, boron isotopes and surface kinetic modeling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 244, 229-247
- Osborne, E., Cronin, T.M. and Farmer, J., 2018. Paleoclimate Records: Providing context and understanding of current Arctic change. In State of the Climate 2017, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(8), s150-s152.
- Cronin, T.M., Dwyer, G.S., Caverly, E.K., Farmer, J., DeNinno, L.H., Rodriguez-Lazaro, J. and Gemery, L., 2017. Enhanced Arctic amplification began at the Mid-Brunhes Event~ 400,000 years ago. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-7.
- Saenger, C., Gabitov, R.I., Farmer, J., Watkins, J.M. and Stone, R., 2017. Linear correlations in bamboo coral δ13C and δ18O sampled by SIMS and micromill: Evaluating paleoceanographic potential and biomineralization mechanisms using δ11B and∆ 47 composition. Chemical Geology, 454, 1-14
- Farmer, J.R., Hönisch, B. and Uchikawa, J., 2016. Single laboratory comparison of MC-ICP-MS and N-TIMS boron isotope analyses in marine carbonates. Chemical Geology, 447, 173-182.
- Welte, C., Wacker, L., Hattendorf, B., Christl, M., Fohlmeister, J., et al., 2016. Laser ablation–accelerator mass spectrometry: an approach for rapid radiocarbon analyses of carbonate archives at high spatial resolution. Analytical Chemistry, 88(17), 8570-8576.
- Farmer, J.R., Robinson, L.F. and Hönisch, B., 2015. Growth rate determinations from radiocarbon in bamboo corals (genus Keratoisis). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 105, 26-40.
- Farmer, J.R., Hoenisch, B., Robinson, L.F. and Hill, T.M., 2015. Effects of seawater-pH and biomineralization on the boron isotopic composition of deep-sea bamboo corals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 155, 86-106.
- Cronin, T.M., Farmer, J., Marzen, R.E., Thomas, E. and Varekamp, J.C., 2014. Late Holocene sea level variability and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Paleoceanography, 29(8), 765-777.
- Cronin, T.M., Dwyer, G.S., Farmer, J., Bauch, H.A., Spielhagen, R.F., et al., 2012. Deep Arctic Ocean warming during the last glacial cycle. Nature Geoscience, 5(9), 631-634.
- Farmer, J.R., Cronin, T.M. and Dwyer, G.S., 2012. Ostracode Mg/Ca paleothermometry in the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans: Evaluation of a carbonate ion effect. Paleoceanography, 27(2).
- Farmer, J.R., Cronin, T.M., De Vernal, A., Dwyer, G.S., Keigwin, L.D. and Thunell, R.C., 2011. Western Arctic Ocean temperature variability during the last 8000 years. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(24).
Additional Information
Jesse Farmer is an assistant professor in the School for the Environment at the University of Massachusetts Boston. His research utilizes geochemical measurements of marine fossils to decipher how, why, and how quickly Earth’s carbon cycle changed during intervals of climate instability in Earth’s history. With this knowledge, he seeks to better understand how human carbon emissions will affect our future climate.
Jesse comes to SFE from a postdoctoral fellowship jointly between the Sigman laboratory at Princeton University and the Climate Geochemistry group of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry.