Jeffrey Keisler
Area of Expertise
Decision and Risk Analysis, Analytics, Spreadsheet Modeling, Project/Portfolio Management
PhD, Decision Sciences, Harvard University
SM, Engineering Sciences, Harvard University
MBA with High Honors, Business Economics, University of Chicago
BS with Honors and Distinction, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Linkov, I., B. Trump, E. Moberg, B. Yatsalo, J. Keisler. Multi-criteria decision analysis: Case studies in engineering and the environment. CRC press. September 2020.
- Johnson, M., J. Keisler, S. Solak, D. Turcotte, A. Bayram, R. Drew. Decision Science for Housing and Community Development. Wiley Series in Operations Research and Management Science. Wiley, New York, October 2015.
- Salo, A., J. Keisler and A. Morton (eds.) Portfolio Decision Analysis –Improved Methods for Resource Allocation. Springer International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, Vol 162. Springer, New York, 2011.
Additional Information
Professor Keisler has been a consultant to numerous Fortune 100 companies and government agencies independently and, prior to joining UMass Boston, as a decision analyst at Strategic Decisions Group, Inc., Argonne National Laboratory, and General Motors Corp.
He has had more than 80 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Most of these and his other publications are archived at his Scholarworks page.
Courses Taught
Introduction to Computers and Information Systems, Managerial Decision Making, Strategic Operations Management, Decision Support Systems and Groupware, Computers and Information Processing, Statistics, Management Science, Decision Analysis, Undergraduate Honors Thesis.
Research Interest
Decision analytics, decision processes, and decision aiding practice for technology, operations and policy.
Professional Activities
- Fellow of the Society for Risk Analysis
- Editor for Springer series on Risk, Systems, and Decisions
- Fulbright-Aalto Distinguished Chair
- Former President of the INFORMS Decision Analysis Society
- Associate Editor of INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (formerly Interfaces)
- Editor for EURO Journal of Decision Processes
- Associate Editor of Decision Analysis
- Editorial board member for Environment Systems & Decisions
- Expert panelist for National Academies forums
- Fellow in the Society of Decision Professionals
- Former President, Society for Risk Analysis, Decision Analysis, and Risk Specialty Group
- Winner of INFORMS Decision Analysis Society Publication Award