Alessia Contu
Area of Expertise
Organizational Theory, Ethical and Social Issues in Management , International Development & Political Economy, OB & OD, Psychoanalysis
PhD, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK
MA in Management and Organizational Learning, Lancaster University Management School
Doctor in Psychology, Universita Degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy (110/110 cum laude)
Professional Publications & Contributions
- 2020 Contu A. 'Answering the Crisis with Intellectual Activism: Making a Difference as Business School Scholars' Human Relations
- 2019 Contu, A. ‘Conflict and Organization Studies’ Organization Studies 40(10): 1145-62
- 2017 Contu, A. ‘The Point Is To Change It – Yes But In What Direction And How?’ Organization On line first Nov. 17
- 2017 Zanoni, P. Contu, A. Mir, R. Healy, S. ‘Post-Capitalistic Politics in the Making: The Imaginary and Praxis of Alternative Economies’ Organization, Special Issue, Aug.; A/3
- 2017 Contu, Alessia. ‘Antigone Speaks: Reflection from an Ancient Wisdom on Leadership and Gender’ Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Vol. 2017 (1)
- 2016 Toraldo, M. Contu, A. Mangia, G. ‘The Inherently Hybrid Nature of Volunteering: Exploring Voluntary Exchange At Pop Music Festivals’ Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 45(6):1130–1149; A/3
- 2014 Contu, A. ‘Rationality and Relationality in the Process of Whistleblowing’ Journal of Management Inquiry 23(4): 393-406 A/3
- 2014 Contu, A. and Girei, E. ‘NGOs Management and the Value of 'Partnerships' for Equality in international Development: What’s in a Name’ Human Relations 67(2): 205-232; A*/4
- 2014 Contu, A. ‘On Boundaries and Difference: Communities of Practice and Power Relations in Creative Work’. Management Learning 45 ( 3): 289-316; A/3
- 2014 Toraldo, M. L. Contu, A. Mangia, G. On the Notion of Exchange Within the Voluntary Work Circuit: Insights from Pop Music Festivals, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014 (1).
- 2013 Contu, A. Palpacuer, F. and Balas, N. ‘Multinational Corporations’ Politics and Resistance to Plant Shutdowns: a Comparative Case Study in the South of France’ Human Relations 66(3):363-84; A*/4
- 2010 Contu, A. Driver, M. and Jones, C. ‘Jacques Lacan With Organization Studies’, Guest Edited Special Issue, Organization. 17(3):307-15; A/3
- 2009 Essers, J. Bohm, S. and Contu, A. (eds.) ‘Corporate Robespierre: Ideology and Change Management’, Guest Edited Special Issue, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 2 (2) April; B/2
- 2008 Contu, A. ‘Decaf Resistance: Misbehaviour, Desire and Cynicism in Liberal Workplaces’ Communication Management Quarterly 21(3):364-79; B/2 - 4th most cited paper of the Journal.
- 2006 Contu, A. and Willmott, H. Studying Practice: Situating Talking About Machine’, Organization Studies, 27(12):1769-62 A*/4*
- 2005 Contu, A. and Willmott, H. ‘You Spin Me Round: The Critical Realist Turn in Management and Organisation Studies’, Journal of Management Studies, 42(8):1622-45; A*/4
- 2003 Contu, A. Grey, C. and Ostenblad, A. ‘Against Learning’, Human Relations, 56(8): 931-54 A*/4
- 2003 Contu, A and Willmott, H. ‘Re-embedding Situatedness: the Importance of Power Relations in Learning Theory’, Organization Science, May-June, 14(3); Reprinted in B. Nooteboom, ed., (2 volumes) Knowledge and Learning in the Firm, London: Edgar; A*/4*
- 2002 Contu, A. ‘A Political Answer to Questions of Struggles’, Ephemera Vol. 2(2):160-174
- 2002 Contu, A. and Willmott, H. ‘ Leggere le Organizzazioni: il contributo dell’ Analisi Post Marxista’ n G. Bonazzi, M. La Rosa, V. Pulignano (ed.) ‘La Sociologia del Lavoro e gli Studi Organizzativi: lo Stato del Dibattito in Italia e Gran Bretagna’ Sociologia del Lavoro N.84
- 2001 Boje, D. Bohm, S. Casey, C. Clegg, S. Contu, A. Costea, B.Gherardi, S. Jones, C. Knights, D. Reed, M. Spicer, A. Willmott, H. Radicalizing Organization Studies and the Meaning of Critique, Ephemera, Vol1 (3): 303-13
- 2000 Contu, A. ‘L’ Apprendimento Situato e la Semiotica della Pratica: Nuovi Vocabolari per l’Apprendimento Organizzativo’, Studi Organizzativi Vol. 2
- 2000 Contu, A. and Willmott, H. ‘Knowing in Practice: A ‘Delicate Flower’ in the Organisational Learning Field’, Organization 7 (2) A/3
- Book Chapters
- Forthcoming ‘CMS and Psychoanalysis’ in Y. Stavrakakis Ed. Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalysis Political Theory
- 2017 Contu, A. and Pecis, L. ‘Teams at Work’ in D. Knights and H. Willmott Eds.,Introducing Organizational Behaviour and Management 3rd Ed. Cechange.
- 2016 Contu, A. ‘Conflict theorising in organization theory: a political philosophical reading’ in Mir et al. Chapter 25 Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies London: Routledge
- 2013 Contu A. ‘Rimodellare I Confini: ricordo, proposta, azione’ Chapter 4 in Adinolfi, p. Cafferata, P. and Tommasetti, A. Management Senza Confini Il Mulino: Bologna, Italy
- 2012 Contu, A. ‘Teams at Work’ in D. Knights and H. Willmott Eds.,Introducing Organizational Behaviour and Management 2nd Ed. Cechange.
- 2009 Contu, A, ‘Critical Management Education’ in Bridgman, A. Alvesson and H. Willmott, Handbook of Critical Management Studies, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- 2008 Contu, A. ‘Community of Practice’ in S. Clegg and J. R. Bailey (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies. Sage
- 2006 Contu, A. ‘Teams at Work’ in D. Knights and H. Willmott Eds. Introducing Organizational Behaviour and Management . Thomson Learning
- 2003 Contu, A. and Willmott, H. `Macht, Lerner und Organisation' in R. Weiskopf, (ed.) Personal, Organisation, Poststrukturalismus: An-Wendungen, Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag
- 2001 Contu, A. and Willmott, H. ‘The Docudrama: a situated learning experience’. Case Study In C. Hockings and I. Moore (Eds) Innovations in Teaching Business and Management, Seda Publications, 129-138.
- Other Intellectual Publications and Outputs
- 2017 Article in the Guardian “Time To Take on Greed: Why Business Schools Must Engage In Intellectual Activism” Jan. 17 shared 2131 times and reported by numerous sites.
- 2015 Video - Gender, International Development and Management Panel AIB Conference NE Chapter, UMass Boston, Panel Chair/Organizer
- 2014 Interview ‘What is Critical Management’
- 2013 Interview AIDEA newsletter on Research Excellence Framework in UK Higher Education
- 2001 Contu, A. and Willmott, H. ‘Learning and Practice: Focussing Upon Power Relations’, Manchester School of Management, UMIST
- 1999 Contu, A. ‘The Odd Couple: Discussing the partnership between Situated Learning Theory and Organisational Learning Literature’, Organizational Learning, 3rd International Conference, Vol. 1 Lancaster University
Additional Information
Professional Activities
- Associate Editor of Human Relations Journal
- Member of the IGERT Coasts and Communities Program Steering Committee. IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education Research Traineeship) is the National Science Foundation’s flagship interdisciplinary training program 2014-present
- Associate Academic Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 2013-present
- Editorial Board Member of Organization Studies 2008-present
- International Visiting Fellowship the Open University Business School
- Member of VIDA, Association of Women Scholars in Business Schools 2009-present
- Series Editor - ‘Critical Management Studies’, Palgrave McMillan -2008-present
- Executive Member – International Critical Management Board. Role: Internationalization and Outreach 2012-present
- Associate Teaching Fellow, Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick, UK 2013-present
- 2015 Invitation Advisory Board, Dialogues in CMS Emerald Series
Honours & International Service
- 2020 Named to #thinklist30
- 2017 Visiting Professor, Universita degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy
- 2016 International Fellowship Open University Business School, UK
- 2015 Human Relations Paper of the Year Award 2014
- 2013 ANVUR National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research, Italy; Referee for Evaluation VQR 2004-2010
- 2012 Medal awarded by AIDEA Accademia Italiana Di Economia Aziendale for the invited contribution at the AIDEA Annual Conference, Salerno, Italy Oct 12.
- 2011/2012; 2009/2010 Teaching Excellence Award The Warwick MBA, UK
- 2007-2009 Elected Board Member Academy of Management Critical Management Studies Division, USA