UMass Boston

COVID-19 | Campus Updates

students seated on ground in a tight group in front of a UMass Boston sign on brick wall


Vaccination Policy: UMass Boston strongly recommends COVID vaccination and boosters (when eligible).

Mask Policy & Daily Health Monitoring: All faculty, staff, and students are strongly encouraged to monitor their own health before coming to campus each day. If you are experiencing possible COVID symptoms, please stay home.

Archived Resources

Previous versions of this website included these links and content. We provide them for reference but cannot guarantee accuracy or currentness.

  • Health Resources
  • Resources4U
  • Self Checklist
  • Workplace Signage
  • Counseling and Support Services for Students
  • FAQ Archive:
    • Students
    • Faculty
    • Staff
    • Fall 2020/Spring 2021
    • Spring 2020

Outside Health Resources