Events & Activities
The Interfaith Center has celebrated more than 45 years of excellence in care, hospitality, and compassion. The professional staff, along with support from the university and Student Multicultural Affairs, have maintained a strong tradition of providing space for expressions of faith through group worship, memorials, prayer, personal reflection and meditation, interfaith and inter-cultural dialog, and occasional relaxing faith-based fun, all while honoring the whole person - spirit, mind and body. The Interfaith Center is open for personal and communal meditation, quiet reflection, prayer, and worship in several traditions. All activities are held in the Interfaith Center unless otherwise noted. Contact
- Meet with our Chaplain/Campus Ministers - Email or call for an appointment or come during our campus hours. Interfaith Campus Ministers are a confidential resource.
- Catholic Campus Ministry -
- Daily Prayers in the Muslim Tradition - space provided in Ryan Lounge, adjacent to the Interfaith Center
- Jumu'ah Prayer – Muslim Prayer - Fridays: ~1:00 p.m., fall and spring semesters. Check with the Muslim Student Association. Contact the Muslim Student Association at
- For Hillel/Jewish Student Group, contact Dov,
- Faith-Based Clubs There are several student-club sponsored religious organizations on campus. These organizations may have off-campus support through national and local organizations. Current UMass Boston students may find currently active organizations in UMBeInvolved.
- Space Reservation: Current active faith-based groups recognized by The Office of Student Activities may request use of the Interfaith Center. The space is managed and permission is gained through the Interfaith Center Campus Ministry staff. Prior approval is required for group use and activities.