Brook Moyers
The Moyers lab at the University of Massachusetts Boston studies how and why traits vary within plant species to address real world problems, including food production and species conservation. We integrate approaches from the fields of ecology, physiology, genetics, and evolutionary biology. We work in the field, the greenhouse, the lab, and on high-performing computer clusters.
Area of Expertise
Evolution, Molecular Ecology, Ecological Genomics, Phenotypic Plasticity, Adaptation, Domestication, Botany
PhD, University of British Columbia, Botany (2015)
BA, Reed College, Biology (2007)
Professional Publications & Contributions
Interdisciplinary Plant Science Consortium (59 authors including Moyers). 2023. Inclusive collaboration across plant physiology and genomics: Now is the time! Plant Direct 7(5): e493. doi:10.1002/pld3.493
Bartlett, Moyers, Man, Subramaniam, Makunga. 2023. The power and perils of de novo domestication using genome editing. Annual Review of Plant Biology 74: 1. doi:10.1146/annurev-arplant-053122-030653
The Global Urban Evolution Project (Santangelo, et al.: 287 author collaboration led by Marc Johnson). 2022. Global urbanization drives parallel environmental and evolutionary change. Science 375(6586): 1275. doi:10.1126/science.abk0989
Marrano, Moyers. 2022. Scanning the rice Global MAGIC population for dynamic genetic control of seed traits under vegetative drought. 2022. The Plant Phenome Journal 5(1): e20033. doi:10.1002/ppj2.200335.
Hübner, Bercovich, Todesco, Mandel, Odenheimer, Ziegler, Lee, Baute, Owens, Grassa, Ebert, Ostevik, Moyers, Yakimowski, Masalia, Gao, Calic, Bowers, Kane, Swanevelder, Kubach, Muños, Langlade, Burke, Rieseberg. 2019. Sunflower pan-genome analysis shows that hybridization altered gene content and disease resistance. Nature Plants 5: 54. doi:10.1038/s41477-018-0329-0
Price, Moyers, Lopez, Lasky, Monroe, Mullen, Oakley, Lin, Ågren, Schrider, Kern, McKay. 2018. Combining population genomics and fitness QTLs to identify the genetics of local adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana. PNAS 115(19): 5028. doi:10.1073/pnas.1719998115
Moyers, Morrell, McKay. 2017. Genetic costs of domestication and improvement. Journal of Heredity 109(2): 103. doi:10.1093/jhered/esx069
Monroe, Allen, Tanger, Mullen, Lovell, Moyers, Whitley, McKay. 2017. TSPmap, a tool making use of traveling salesperson problem solvers in the efficient and accurate construction of high-density genetic linkage maps. BioData Mining 10: 38. doi:10.1186/s13040-017-0158-0
Moyers*, Owens*, Baute, Rieseberg. 2017. The genetic architecture of UV floral patterning in sunflower. Annals of Botany 120(1): 39. doi:10.1093/aob/mcx038 *co-first authors
Tanger, Klassen, Mojica, Lovell, Moyers, Baraoidan, Naredo, McNally, Poland, Bush, Leung, Leach, McKay. 2017. Field-based high throughput phenotyping rapidly identifies genomic regions controlling yield components in rice. Scientific Reports 7: 42839. doi:10.1038/srep42839
Moyers and Rieseberg. 2016. Remarkable life history polymorphism may be evolving under divergent selection in the silverleaf sunflower. Molecular Ecology 25: 3817. doi:10.1111/mec.13723
Todesco*, Pascual*, Owens*, Ostevik*, Moyers*, Hübner*, Heredia*, Hahn*, Caseys*, Bock*, Rieseberg. 2016. Hybridization and extinction. Evolutionary Applications: 9: 892. doi:10.1111/eva.12367 *equal contributions